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CPI- Checkmate Fundraiser Information

Writer: PHInc. Free Form WriterPHInc. Free Form Writer

We have launched our first KICKSTARTER Fundraiser and we want to achieve our goal we set forth to raise of $3,600.

The funding would help us in the following ways

  • Providing food for cast and crew during all shoot days

  • Provide transportation for cast/crew and equipment

  • Provide us the exact location we need to shoot the project

  • Help us get the permits and music licensing for the project

  • Help us enter Film Festivals with our final version of Checkmate in 2021 to bring awareness and attention to mental and emotional health through artistic expression

A few things to know about Kickstarter

  1. Why we chose to use it as our fundraising platform? We have a bigger project that will be launched after Checkmate and we want to create our presence in the community and show we can succeed with a small project.

  2. How does it work? Kickstarter is ALL or NOTHING meaning that if we do not raise ALL the funding in the allocated time we do not receive any of the funds raised.

  3. What is our backup plan for fundraising? DIRECT DONATIONS - SAME REWARDS AND THANK YOU GIFTS but we receive the funds instantly and are able to create faster and in higher quality. FILL THIS FORM OUT FOR A DIRECT DONATION TO OUR PAYPAL

  4. What if we reach our goal in Kickstarter and we receive Direct Donations/Sponsorships? If we reach over our goal and have a surplus at the end of our project then we will be helping a human or small business in need in our community and begin the next CPI - a mans perspective on mental health docu-series.



  1. SHARE our Kickstarter page and our social media pages with your friends, family and social network. This step helps spread our name and our mission faster.

  2. FOLLOW us and sign up on our pages.

  3. DONATE to the Kickstarter or Direct Donation to help us achieve our goals.

Meet the humans contributing to make this project a success:

  • Adela Hittell –Owner of PHInc. / Creative Director / Owner of AH/U Designed / Executive Producer /Master Mind

  • William P Cook- Award Winning Cinematographer and Editor /Photographer/ Actor / Fight Coordinator Nicole Labadie- Award Winning Director/Screen Writer/Casting Director/ Mini Mastermind

  • Ashley Beloat- Owner of Ashley School of Modeling/ Internationally Published Model / Runway Coach / Health Director for Checkmate Project/ Nurse

  • Yolanda Curtis – Hair/Makeup Artist/Graphic Artist/ Photographer/ Editor/ Chef

  • Shelby Jones- Choreographer /Model/ ASL Coach

  • Ivan Grbavac- Actor/ Writer/ Theater Director

  • Mario Scott – Filmmaker/ Photographer/Illustrator

  • Sam Rooks – Filmmaker / Photographer

  • Casie Casem – Makeup Artist / Photographer/ Founder of CTFOD

  • Ken Montano – Filmmaker /Photographer

  • Helena Trasher – Actress /Writer/Producer/Photographer

  • Sydd Thompson – Actor/Stuntman/Motivator

  • Raiza Rangl – Actress/Makeup Artist/entrepreneur

  • Rodney C. Herring – Educator /Public Figure /Military

  • Tla Marie – Accountant / Art lover

  • Greg Watterson – Photographer


Meet the cast of the project

Adela Hittell

Nicole Labadie

Ashley Beloat

A.J. Medina

Christine Phillips

Shelby Jones

Rose Sanchez

Sydd Thompson

David Phillips

Nadia Seesock

Megan Cunningham


I am going to be honest, the month of October has not been easy for me personally and for a lot of my humans (volunteers & artists) for so many reasons and our emotional health has been off the track a little bit. We have had to learn to navigate a few things personally and as an organization. We have had to make decisions and push forward even when we absolutely did not want to.

To inspire, motivate, and educate ourselves through a new Creative Project is what we all decided we needed to do not only for ourselves but the community as well. Mental, emotional health and our arts have taken a huge hit during 2020 and we want to take something back by creating something that only humans who WANT to inspire the change can create.

That is us!


We have many high goals and hopes for this project and the primary one is to create something for you to enjoy and experience from a different perspective. We want to raise awareness on the arts industry and its need to survive during this time.



Contact us for how you can help make a difference. 

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